Forms Tab Screen

Use this screen to create form letters using built-in templates. Other options include viewing and printing form letters in the workfile.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
New Form Letter From the Forms tab, select this option to create a new form letter.
Print This option prints the summary report of all forms in the workfile.
Print Preview Select this option to view the form letter summary on your screen.
Name This is the name of the form letter.
Created This field value is the date and time the form letter was created.
Printed This value is the date and time the report was last printed.
Completed This is the date and time the draft report was saved.
Status Valid form letter status values include Draft and Complete.
Edit This is a mini-toolbar option that allows you to open the selected form letter for editing. This option is available on draft form letters. This option is not available once the form letter has been saved and printed.
View Use this option to open the selected form letter. You cannot not edit a form letter.
Print Preview Select this option to view the selected form letter in report form on your screen.
Delete This mini-toolbar option deletes the selected draft form letter. Completed form letters cannot be deleted.


Workfile - Forms Tab







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